Vet cuddling pet dog

Vaccinations and immunizations for your dog

Immunizations keep your pet healthy and fit and are also painless for the animals. Vaccinations stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to prevent the relevant diseases. Some vaccines require a single injection, but others require a series for optimal protection. In young puppies, the mother’s immune bodies absorbed with the colostrum protects them in the earliest period /up to 30-45 days/. This protection begins to decrease when the animal reaches 6-8 weeks of age. Then is the period to start the vaccination scheme – the dog’s first vaccination.

First vaccination
When the puppy is 6-8 weeks old, the first vaccine (P), (DP) or (DHP) is administered, which protects against dangerous diseases: parvovirus, infectious hepatitis. The vaccine stimulates the immune system and leads to the development of antibodies against the relevant diseases. This vaccine protects the animal, but the immunity is imperfect and not sufficiently durable.

Second and third vaccination
When your dog is 9 to 12 weeks old, it must be vaccinated for a second time – DHPPi or DHPPi+L vaccine /against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and leptospirosis/, which expands the range of diseases against which the animal builds immunity.
At the next visit, when the animal is 13 to 16 weeks old, the DHPPi+LR vaccine should be administered again. With this vaccine, the animal is revaccinated against the diseases listed above in order to obtain permanent immunity and is vaccinated for the first time against rabies, which is a mandatory vaccination for every animal. We should note that the rabies vaccine is given at the earliest at three months of age.
If there is evidence of parainfluenza and Bordetella infections in the area, a KC nasal vaccine against these two diseases can also be administered. The injection is in the nose and is recommended to be done every six months.

Annual revaccinations
Every year at your dog’s annual check-up, he should be vaccinated with the polyvalent DHPPi+LR vaccine.

Is your pet behind on any vaccinations? Come to us and protect his health.

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